Back to School Funny Family Feud

Clever Family Feud Questions and Answers 2022

Family feud for kids is a fun teamwork game that will get you laughing and bring you together! This version is a clean and appropriate family edition, so it's perfect for kids and teens too.

Try these questions on your next family night, large family get-together, or when you have extra time with students in the classroom.

How to Play Family Feud Game at Home / Classroom

For how to play family feud, choose one person to be the host and split your group into two teams. (The host is the only person who can see the answers)

how to play family feud game questions for kids in 2022

How to Start

First, the host read a survey. One person from each team answers. The team whose leader gives the highest scoring answer gets to decide if they want to take the survey or pass it to the other team.

Playing As a Team

Next, each member of the playing team guesses an answer one at a time (in order). No discussion is allowed. If the answer is too vague, the host tells the contestant to be more specific. If an answer overlaps with an already given answer, the contestant guesses again.

Now, when an answer is incorrect, the team gets a strike.

  • If the team gets all the answers right before earning three strikes, they get the total value of the points they guessed.
  • If the team gets three strikes before guessing all of the answers, the other team has one chance to guess a remaining answer. If they guess correctly, they steal all of the points that the other team earned.

Save this game for later. Pin to pinterest!

funny family feud questions and family fortunes that are clean

How to Play Family Feud Fast Money Questions

After three normal rounds, the winning team chooses two players to leave the room.

One player returns and answers the fast money survey questions in 60 seconds. (You could do one survey or use as many as you have time for). The host adds up the total for the answers that were guessed correctly.

The second player returns and answers the same questions in 60 seconds. If the second person guesses a duplicate, they must come up with a different answer. The host adds up this person's total as well.

If both contestants' answers combine to get to 200 points, they are the ultimate champions! (If you do just one survey, adjust the total points needed to win 🙂

Supplies You Need

This family feud game is pretty straightforward! Here's what you'll need to get the most out of it:

  • 3-5 players per team (two teams)
  • A bell, buzzer, or gong
  • Scorecard
  • List of questions
  • Kid coupons for a winner prize (optional)

Good Questions for Family Feud Kids

These kids family feud questions are clean and appropriate – but also hilarious!

good clean family feud questions and answers with points

Name something you do when you are sick.

Take medicine 25
Sleep/nap 21
Watch tv 17
Throw up 16
Go to the doctor 13
Eat soup 8

Name something kids love about summer.

Pool/swimming 25
No school 23
Warm weather 17
Ice cream 17
Playing 11
Fishing 7

Name a place where you have to be quiet.

Library 38
Classroom 23
Church 18
Movie theater 14
Bedtime (at home) 7


Name something cold.

Ice cream 30
Ice 27
Snow 20
Refrigerator 17
Popsicles 6


Name a color of the rainbow.

Red 21
Orange 17
Yellow 15
Green 14
Blue 14
Purple/violet 12
Indigo 7

Name something hot.

Fire 28
Oven/stove 26
Fireplace 21
Hot beverage 17
Toaster 8

Name something an astronaut sees in space.

Earth 23
Planets 21
Stars 13
Moon 13
Sun 11
Alien 7
Satellite 7
Meteor/comets 5


Name something a kid might do right before going to bed.

Brush teeth 23
Put on pajamas 19
Watch tv 15
Read/do homework 15
Take a shower 11
Drink water 10
Say prayers 7


Name something people write with.

A pencil 23
A pen 19
Keyboard 16
Crayon 15
Chalk 11
Dry erase marker 10
Paintbrush 6

Name something you might see at the beach.

Ocean/water 28
Sand 26
People 18
Shells 15
Crabs 7
Towels 6

Name something people put on pizza.

Cheese 25
Pepperoni 23
Sausage 19
Peppers 15
Mushroom 11
Sauce 7


Name something a person does when he/she feels happy

Smile 28
Laugh 23
Sing 17
Dance 15
Jump up and down 13
Cry 4


Name a way people get from one place to another.

Car/drive 41
Walking/running 18
Flying/plane 12
Bus 11
Biking 10
Subway/train 5
Motorcycle 3

Name someone a kid can talk to if they need help.

Parent 28
Friend 23
Sibling 21
Teacher 17
Grandparent 11

Name something you would put in a bath.

A rubber ducky (toys) 38
Water 25
Shampoo 19
Soap 18
family laughing: best list of family feud questions for kids with adults


Name a food you might eat at Thanksgiving

Turkey 35
Mashed Potatoes 25
Stuffing 17
Pumpkin pie 15
Sweet potatoes 8


Name a tree that has fruit on it.

Apple Tree 37
Pear Tree 26
Orange Tree 16
Banana Tree 15
Lemon Tree 6

Name a popular Christmas carol.

"We Wish You a Merry Christmas" 23
"Jingle Bells" 20
"Frosty the Snowman" 17
"Deck the Halls" 13
"Joy to the World" 11
"Santa Claus is Comin' to Town" 9
"Silent Night" 7

Name an occupation in which you might wear a hat.

Policeman 38
Chef 25
Builder 19
Fireman 18


Name something you might climb

Mountain / hill 32
Tree 26
Ladder 17
Rope 15
Stairs 10


Name an animal you might see on a farm.

Cow 25
Pig 23
Goat 17
Chicken 16
Horse 13
Sheep 6

Name something you might spread on toast.

Butter 35
Jam 25
Peanut butter 17
Nutella 13
Cheese 10

Name a plant someone might grow in their garden.

Tomato 26
Carrot 21
Lettuce 19
Cucumbers 15
Green beans 12
Peppers 7


Name a flavor you'd find in any ice cream shop.

Vanilla 26
Chocolate 23
Strawberry 17
Chocolate chip 17
Cherry 10
Rocky road 7

Funny Family Feud Questions

Next, this family feud for kids (with points) will produce some really interesting answers!

funny family feud questions for kids: play online or in classroom
"Survey says…"


What's something you might find on the ground of a messy bedroom.

Toys 32
Clothes 23
Backpack 17
Floor / carpet 12
Pen / pencil 11
Food wrappers 5

Name something associated with pirates.

Ship 23
Parrot 20
Eye patch 19
Skull & Bones 13
Buried treasure 11
Walking the plank 9
Peg leg 5

Name something associated with a princess.

Tiara 26
Prince 23
Gown 17
Castle 15
Knight 12
Frog 7


Name something associated with Halloween.

Pumpkin 32
Witches 25
Trick or Treat 18
Ghosts 15
Dressing up 10


Name something you might find in a haunted house.

Ghosts 26
Cobwebs 23
Blood 17
Witches 15
Skeletons 13
Monsters 6

Name a word that rhymes with "honey."

Money 38
Bunny 25
Funny 19
Sunny 18

Name something kids throw at each other.

Toys 32
Food 25
Pillows 17
Paper 15
Balloons 11


Name something kids lose a lot.

Toys 33
Books 27
Pencils 19
Money 15
Napkins 6


Name something associated with Superman.

Cape 25
Flying 25
Lois Lane 15
Kryptonite 15
Clark Kent 13
Superpowers 7

Name a place kids aren't allowed to touch things.

Museum 51
Zoo 32
Antique shop 11
China shop (glass and plate store) 6

Name a character from Frozen

Elsa 36
Anna 27
Olaf 25
Christoff 5
Sven 5
Hans 2


Name an excuse you might tell for why you don't have your homework.

Don't have (books, paper, etc.) 32
Lost it 25
Dog ate it 17
Was sick 15
Forgot 11

Looking for more great questions to get you laughing?

  • Who's More Likely to Kids Questions
  • Funny 2 Truths & a Lie Game
  • Hilarious Never Ever Kids Questions

Best Family Feud For Teens & Older Kids

Finally, these kids family feud game questions are great for older elementary students and teenagers to answer.

kid family feud questions and answers for teens in youth group
"Are you ready to play the Feud?" "Let's play the Feud!"


Name something that would be smart to know how to ask for in a foreign country.

Bathroom 23
Hello 20
Food 17
Thank you 13
Help 11
Please 9
Money 7

Name something you can find in a cave.

Bats 32
Bear 25
Treasure 17
Spiders 15
Rocks 11

Name a type of music.

Hip Hop 25
Rock 23
Country 17
Rap 15
Pop 15
Classical 5


Name a month in the year with 31 Days.

December 23
January 19
October 15
July 13
March 12
August 9
May 9


Name something you might put on a salad.

Salad dressing 42
Croutons 28
Tomatoes 13
Bacon bits 10
Cheese 7

Name a country that start with an "A"

Australia 48
Argentina 21
Austria 13
Afghanistan 13
Albania 5

Name a Star Wars character.

Darth Vader 34
Luke Skywalker 30
Yoda 17
Leia 9
Han Solo 5
R2D2 3
Chewbacca 2


Name something that usually comes in pairs.

Shoes 32
Socks 28
Earrings 17
Twins 11
Gloves 7
Pants 5


Name something you really don't want to find in the dark.

Monster 32
Spider 25
Mouse 17
Body 15
Snake 11

Name something you have to charge regularly.

Phone 51
Ipad / computer 32
Headphones / speaker 9
Battery 5
Electric car 3

Name a Harry Potter character.

Harry Potter 52
Hermione 11
Ron 11
Dumbledore 7
Draco 5
Fred/George 5
Snape 3
Hagrid 3
Voldemort 3


Name a Marvel Avengers character.

Captain America 23
Thor 22
Iron Man 17
Hulk 13
Wolverine 9
Spider-Man 9
Black Widow 7

Related Post: Best Trivia Questions for Kids


Name something you wouldn't want to buy used.

Underwear 50
Bed 28
Food 16
Shoes 6

Name something you might see in a sandwich.

Lunchmeat 32
Cheese 25
Lettuce 17
Mayo 15
Tomato 11

Name something that people love to talk about.

Work/school 25
Politics 23
Weather 17
Themselves 15
Sports 13
Gossip 7


Name a food kids love to eat for breakfast.

Cereal 32
Pop tarts 25
Waffles 23
Pancakes 11
Eggs 9
family game


Name a country in Western Europe.

France 28
Italy 25
England 20
Germany 13
Spain 9
Greece 5

Name a country in the continent of Asia.

China 53
Japan 17
Taiwan 11
Thailand 10
India 9

Name a state on the West Coast of the United States

California 69
Oregon 11
Washington 10
Hawaii 4
Alaska 3
Nevada 3


Name something you can do to help the environment.

Recycle 58
Don't litter 23
Use less water 7
Use reusable containers 5
Drive hybrid/electric cars 5
Volunteer / donate 2


Name a well-known dinosaur.

Tyrannosaurus 58
Triceratops 12
Velociraptor 11
Pterodactyl 9
Stegosaurus 6
Brontosaurus 4

Name something you never want to find in your restaurant food.

Hair 36
Fly 27
Roach 17
Rat 15
Dirt 5

Name a pet that people like to have.

Dog 32
Cat 20
Bird 15
Turtle 11
Hamster 11
Rabbit 8
Goldfish 3


Name an animal that would make a horrible pet.

Lion 25
Tiger 23
Snake 17
Bear 15
Skunk 13
Alligator 7

Related Post: Best List of Fun Questions for Kids & Adults


Name a state with a lot of mountains.

Colorado 28
Montana 23
California 19
Nevada 15
Alaska 11
Arizona 4

Tell me something a person might do once a week.

Shop 38
Do laundry 25
Go to church 23
Exercise 7
Clean house 7

Name a reason someone might be up at 2 in the morning.

Bathroom 26
Baby/child 23
Bad dream 18
Heard a noise 16
Hot/cold 13
Hungry/thirsty 4


Name something you might put on your hamburger.

Cheese 40
Ketchup 32
Pickles 15
Lettuce 9
Mayonnaise 4


Name a country that speaks Spanish?

Mexico 52
Spain 29
Cuba 13
Argentina 6

Name a material you would need to build a treehouse.

Lumber/wood 44
Nails 29
Hammer 19
Ladder 8

Name the most expensive item in a person's home.

Television 36
Jewelry 19
Refrigerator 16
Computer 15
Couch / furniture 14


Name something you might bring to a get-together.

Food 40
Drinks 29
Gifts 15
Music 9
Yourself 7

Three Other Fun Ways to Play

Don't forget that you can customize at home or at school!

  • No Teams: Don't feel like organizing the group? Just let everyone shout out the answers until you've guessed them all. Keep score or not!
  • Pen and Paper: First, read all the questions in a row. Each player takes one guess at the question and writes it down. The player who guesses the highest score wins.
  • Play Online: Can't be there in person? Make it an online game! Have the host pull up this page and answer on screen or through text messaging.

What is Family Fortunes?

Family fortunes is a popular version of the family feud game found in the UK. The two games are very similar except that the "fast money" round is called "big money" instead.

That means that these can be used as great family fortunes questions too!

What are your favorite questions and answers for family feud?

Other Great Family Questions Games…

  • Icebreaker Questions to Get to Know Someone
  • Best This or That Questions to Ask
  • Best Dares for Family Truth or Dare
  • Crazy Quick Rapid-Fire Questions

Family Fortunes Questions and Answers for Kids & Adults


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